Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Last week we were busy learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  We started the week off by looking at two eggs: a white egg and a brown egg.  The students shared their observations.  The students realized their only difference was their color.  We broke open the eggs and realized their insides were the same.  We then looked at each other and saw we were different colors.  This activity helped students to understand that even though we are different colors on the outside, we are the same on the inside.

We followed up this activity by reading The Crayon Box that Talked.  This book is a cute story about a box of crayons that doesn't get along because they are different colors.  We connected this idea to ourselves, and talked about even though we are different colors and people, we can work together to make a beautiful picture.  Students then created their own crayon and we put them together to make our "class crayon box."

One of the last activities for the week was watching Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's speech.  Afterwards,  the students thought about what their own dreams were. We wrote them down and put together an awesome bulletin board outside our room.  Be sure to check it out if you are in the building! :)

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