Thursday, March 14, 2013

100 Fox Heads

Our class received 100 Fox Heads!!! This is such an accompishment and I am so proud of the kids.  The students can recieve Fox Heads for showing good behavior in the hallway, cafeteria, in specials, and on the bus.  We have worked hard to get to this point-- so of course we had to celebrate!! I brought in an ice cream treat for the kiddos to enjoy during lunch.

Reading Groups

Students have been working hard during our small group instruction time.  Each day I meet with two groups based upon their reading level.  We read a book together and then do some sort of word work activity.  Today, I had the kids write on the table with dry erase markers.  They were shocked when I told them what we were going to do!  The kids had a blast and enjoyed practicing our sight words in a fun way.

Indy Parks: Rabbits

Today we had another visitor from Indy Parks.  Mrs. Roche talked about Rabbits and their lives.  Here's what we learned:

Miss Gilbert: That rabbits have big back legs so they can jump.
Tyrone M.: Rabbits are good jumpers.
Aundrea: Foxes eat rabbits.
Noah: Rabbits have babies.
Tyler: Rabbits have small front legs.
Sebastian: I learned that bunnies have big feet to jump.
Sedric: The name of the fox in Indiana is a Red Fox.
Jabes: I learned that foxes sneak to the rabbits to eat the rabbits.
Erica: The boy bunny had a wife.
Brianna: The mommy bunnies go out during the day and leave their baby bunnies and then the mommy comes back in the night time to check on them.
Aidan: I learned that bobcats are really really quiet.
Kennedy: You can see foxes by our school.
Mya: The bobcat sneaks up on rabbits.
Riviera: The are different kinds of foxes.
Lewis: Bunnies eat many plants.
Caleb: Bunnies have big front teeth.
Dilan: Rabbits eat carrots.
Kailey: The foxes live in the trees and bushes.

The most common type of bunny rabbit is the Cotton Tail Rabbit.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Read Across America

I apologize for not getting this post up sooner.  The pictures that I took of the kids were erased and I've been trying to recover them for awhile.  Unfortunately I am unable to get them back.

Today has turned into one of my most favorite days of Kindergarten.  We celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday by reading books all day.  We had many different guest readers throughout the day.  Students got to cuddle up in their pajamas and blankets and listen to stories.  It was so fun to watch them become so excited as each guest reader stepped on the stage.  We heard stories from Ms. King, Mrs. Gray's Mom, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Taylor, Mrs. Reynolds, a doctor, some firemen, and Mrs. Murphy.  The kids had a blast!