Thursday, November 29, 2012

6 simple things

Life has been moving so fast lately I feel like I haven't had time to reflect on myself and my teaching.  I'm finally settling into my new apartment and life is returning to (somewhat) normal speed!  So here we go...the six simple things making me smile this week:

1. Being back at Fox Hill with my cheerful Kindergarteners
2. My new nephew, Michael Christian.
3. Watching my students being independent problem solvers during station time.
4. The smell of my new holiday candle.
5. Students making new friends and being sure to remember their old ones
6. Getting new books to add to our classroom library.

What has you smiling this week?

Little Red Hen

We have been learning about Harvests in our current IB unit.  To help us understand, we have been reading various versions of The Little Red Hen.  Yesterday, we read our final version: The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza.  Students got to act out the play (They are great actors!) and afterwards, we all make a mini pizza.  We had a fun afternoon and made many memories.  Check out some photos below:

Students enjoying their pizza
 Students acting out The Little Red Hen

Author's Celebration

Friday before Thanksgiving Break the students were able to share their writing during a special time that I call, Author's Celebration.  We invited families to come and listen to their student's writing.  Students also could pair up to share their stories, or come to a small group setting with myself and Mr. Alumbaugh.  It was a wonderful time!  We will be hosting another celebration in December.  Hope to see you then!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Learning Manners

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving a little early by having lunch in the classroom.  Before we ate, we talked about different manners that we should use while we are eating.  Here is what we learned:

Jamiya said: Don’t put your elbows on the table.
Saniyah: Don’t eat with your hands!
Jabes: Don’t put your face in your food.
Lewis: You say, "Please pass the pasta!"
Brianna: Put your napkin on your lap.
Tajuan: Don’t make a mess! Use a napkin or a placemat!
Camrin: Don’t put your tray on your head!
Noah: I learned not to put my feet on the table.
Aidan: Say please and thank you.
Asia: Don’t lick your fingers.
Riviera: Don’t sit on your food.
Aundrea: Wait for everyone to sit down before you start eating.
Dilan: Don’t stand on the table.
Chew with your mouth closed!!
Erica: Don’t blow your nose at the table.

We had a great lunch talking with friends, listening to music, and enjoying our 'fire' on the Promethean board.  Happy (Early) Thanksgiving! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

6 Simple Things

Coming a day early this week....

1. Students giggling at the word 'but' during phonics time.
2. Hearing the students cheer each other on when someone wins a game.
3. Signing the lease to my new apartment!
4. The class enjoying seeing pictures of each other when they were babies.
5. Being Kindergarten Pen Pals with Mrs. Gray's class.
6. Watching the students create scenes with our new puppets (Thank you Mrs. Pfadt!!).
BONUS! Starting November, the best month of the year!!

Fall Fun

Yesterday, I decided that we needed a fun afternoon activity to keep the kids engaged and not too focused on the pounds of candy they were about to eat.  We use shaving cream to practice writing our sight words.  There were a few student who were hesitant to squish the shaving cream, but soon enough, became comfortable playing and writing in the shaving cream. It was a messy, but great afternoon!